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Isn't Yoga a
Hindu Religion?

What is
Holy Yoga?

Holy Yoga is a form of experiential worship that was created to introduce physical worship of the Lord through prayer, meditation, breath work, and movement to all denominations of Believers in Jesus Christ.

Holy Yoga is for everybody, regardless of age, race, denomination, or even physical health level. 

Yoga is NOT a religion; it is a practice of mind and body connection. When lead by scripture, prayer and worship poses it is a practice that encourages patience and cultivates an understanding of what God can manifest in our physical and emotional bodies. When we can distance ourselves from the daily grind and find peace in worshipping with the entirety of our being, we find ourselves in the flow of His magnificence and in the midst of His grace.

We generally begin serving churches by asking them to host an Introduction To Holy Yoga series.  It is a four (4) week series consisting of one (1) hour long class per week for those four consecutive weeks.


The first week will introduce the physical postures, breath work and biblical meditation along with their respective benefits to the participants. The second and third week will consist of very gentle classes that encourage strength, flexibility, and endurance of both body and spirit. 


I am available to teach in any setting that allows for a meditative and open space for students to engage in prayer, movement, breath and meditation. 


Often, classes are held in churches, community centers and private homes. If you are interested in connecting me with a location for classess, please contact me at


I can also offer a Holy Yoga 101 Workshop at your organization.

What is a
Holy Yoga 101 Workshop?

Where do you offer classes?

Soul Sanctuary Yoga


Offering Holy Yoga classes in the Los Angeles and Southern California area. 

Health and wholeness of mind, body and spirit through the practice of yoga.

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